Vanxim Island
North Goa
Published :
Jan 2017
Updated :
Vanxim Island Proposed to be Developed as Eco-tourism Resort, Residents Divided
Reported by
Nihar Gokhale
Legal Review by
Anmol Gupta
Edited by
Anupa Kujur
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Key Insights
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Region Classification
Reason/Cause of conflict
Conflict Status
Legal Status
Region Classification

Vanxim is a remote estuarine island surrounded by Mandovi river in central Goa. There are no bridges; one has to take two ferries to reach the island, home to around 300 people. The land is entirely owned by the Catholic church, i.e. the Archdiocese, and the residents are tenants.
In 2006, the church sold around six lakh square metres (out of the total eight lakh square metres) of the island to a businessman, Milind Gaunekar, who, in turn, signed a contract with real estate developer Ozone Leisure and Resorts Private Limited to develop the island as a private 'eco-tourism' resort. Some reports claim that a golf course was also proposed. This has left the residents of Vanxim divided.
The Mathias panchayat supports the project as it believes it will bring economic development and jobs to the village while a group of residents has oppsed the project, objecting to the alleged cutting of mangrove forests. Both groups have submitted memorandums to the Town and Country Planning Department. Project work is yet to begin.
While land in Vanxim used to be under paddy cultivation, a breach in the 1990s caused saline water to settle on many farms. The breach was not repaired, and many of the farms are now turning into mangrove forests. In Goa's regional land use plans, the paddy fields were reclassified in a later plan as land for 'hotels/resorts'. However, the entire plan was later denotified.
In December 2015, the Goa government [declared](https://www.heraldgoa.in/Review/February-2016-–-A-decade-since-the-sale-of-Vanxim-by-the-Church/98674#:~:text=Vanxim Island does not forget,the Catholic Church in Goa.&text=Mamlatdar passed an order for,35 paise per sq meter.) the area in Vanxim as an 'Investment Promotion Area' under a new law to provide single-window land clearance for businesses. Under the law, such areas are exempt from all town planning rules and fall outside the panchayat's control.
The High Court of Bombay at Goa issued notices to the state government on the Investment Promotion Areas, including Vanxim, on a plea that they are unconstitutional and would affect eco-sensitive areas. Meanwhile, the residents have continued to oppose the project.
The project website says the resort will be an eco-tourism project. They project developer has promised to develop infrastructure for basic needs, generate employment and has also assured that existing homes have not been acquired and that no one will be evacuated. The residents, however, have said they want proof that only the barren part of the island will be utilised for this purpose.
LCW tried to get in touch with the Ozone group on September 2, 2020, about the project but did not get any response.

Fact Sheet

Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Opposition against environmental degradation

Other Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Region Classification


Type of Land


What was the action taken by the police?

How many people did the police detain or arrest?

What is the current status of the detained/accused persons?

Did the person face any violence while in police custody?

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

If the accused was not produced before a magistrate within 24 hours, or not produced at all, what were the reasons?

Legislation under which the accused was charged

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Details of sources (names of accused, names and numbers of any lawyers, names of any police officers contacted)

Status of Project

Project underway despite protests

Original Project Deadline

Whether the Project has been Delayed

Significance of Land to Land Owners/Users

Residential area, Other environmental services

Whether the project was stalled due to land conflict


Total investment involved (in Crores):


Type of investment:

Investment Expected

Year of Estimation


Page Number In Investment Document:

Has the Conflict Ended?

When did it end?

Why did the conflict end?

Additional Information

Government Departments Involved in the Conflict:

Town and Country Planning Department, Mathias panchayat

PSUs Involved in the Conflict:

Did LCW Approach Government Authorities for Comments?


Name, Designation and Comment of the Government Authorities Approached

LCW tried to get in touch with the Ozone group on September 2, 2020, about the project but did not get any response.

Corporate Parties Involved in the Conflict:

Mahendra Gaunekar, Archdiocese of Goa and Daman; Ozone Leisure and Resorts Private Limited

Did LCW Approach Corporate Parties for Comments?


Communities/Local Organisations in the Conflict:

Ilha de Vanxim Association

Information on the use of criminal law

What was the action taken by the police?

How many people did the police detain or arrest?

What is the current status of the detained/accused persons?

Did the person face any violence while in police custody?

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

If the accused was not produced before a magistrate within 24 hours, or not produced at all, what were the reasons?

Legislation under which the accused was charged

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Legal Supporting Documents

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Reported by
Nihar Gokhale
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Fact sheet

Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Opposition against environmental degradation

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Status of Project

Project underway despite protests

Original Project Deadline

Whether the Project has been Delayed

Significance of Land to Land Owners/Users

Residential area, Other environmental services

Whether the project was stalled due to land conflict


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