Indira Nagar, kherwadi, bandra, mumbai
Published :
Mar 2023
Updated :
Evicted for the protection of Tansa water pipeline; affected people still await rehabilitation in Mumbai
Reported by
Shubham Kothari
Legal Review by
Anmol Gupta
Edited by
Anupa Kujur
Households affected
People affected
Year started
Land area affected
Households affected
People Affected
Year started
Land area affected
Key Insights
Land Use
Reason/Cause of conflict
Encroachment by Non-Right Holders (Other than Caste-based)
Conflict Status
Legal Status
Region Classification
Land Use
Reason/Cause of conflict
Encroachment by Non-Right Holders (Other than Caste-based)
Conflict Status
Legal Status
Region Classification

People who were living in settlements around the Tansa water pipeline in Mumbai continue to await rehabilitation after their eviction. There exists a long history of litigation which eventually led to their eviction.

In 2006, a non governmental organisation called Janhit Manch filed a petition in Bombay High Court. They requested the court for measures to protect the Tansa water pipeline, which runs over the ground. The NGO claimed that the pipeline was surrounded by encroachments, which is putting it at risk from damage and attacks from terrorists who could poison the water or disrupt water supply to Mumbai.

In 2009, the High court ordered the removal of encroachments situated within 10 metres of the pipeline, along its entire stretch. The number of settlements that were to face eviction based on this order is 16,409. The order also laid out certain year based criteria for determining eligibility of households for rehabilitation. These evictions were implemented by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) in batches. If implemented in full, this will likely be one of the largest eviction drives to be undertaken in Mumbai. Another name by MCGM is known as is Brinhanmumbai Municipal Corporation or BMC.

In 2017, 436 households were evicted from Indira Nagar, a settlement located close to the pipeline in Bandra. Out of which 155 were declared eligible for rehabilitation while the remaining 281 were found ineligible for that. These households filed appeals to MCGM, challenging their ineligibility. In 2018, they filed a petition in the Bombay High Court requesting the court to direct a timely disposal of their appeals. In the meantime, rendered homeless by the eviction, they began living in the same area in plastic tents.

LCW spoke to one of the affected residents, Gangaram Hivrale. He said, "earlier we used to have everything – light, water, toilets. But now they have demolished their homes. They are not even hearing our appeals for five years now. We are suffering so much because of this."

They also filed an application for relief to the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission, which in 2019 directed MCGM to provide alternate accommodation arrangements to the 281 households as well within three months.

On the other hand the households that were rehabilitated were given alternate living arrangements in Mahul. Even though the site was found to have poor air quality by the Western Zonal Bench of the National Green Tribunal in 2015, in a separate matter.

In September 2017, the Maharashtra state government announced a 39 Km cycle track project along the pipeline in the same area from which all the High Court had directed the removal of encroachments for the pipeline's protection.

In 2018, the High Court further issued directions through two separate orders for the eviction of all the remaining households. However, in 2019, hearing the petition filed by project affected persons who were resettled in Mahul, the Bombay High Court ordered the state government to address the concerns of the rehabilitated people. And that they cannot be resettled in a place which is known to be polluted.

The evicted residents of Indira Nagar colony continue to await rehabilitation from the state government. According to Hivrale, a few of them are still residing around the pipeline, while others have found rented accommodation elsewhere.

Fact Sheet

Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Demand for rehabilitation

Demand for compensation

Other Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Region Classification


Type of Land


Non-Forest (Other than Grazing Land)

What was the action taken by the police?

How many people did the police detain or arrest?

What is the current status of the detained/accused persons?

Did the person face any violence while in police custody?

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

If the accused was not produced before a magistrate within 24 hours, or not produced at all, what were the reasons?

Legislation under which the accused was charged

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Details of sources (names of accused, names and numbers of any lawyers, names of any police officers contacted)

Status of Project

Original Project Deadline

Whether the Project has been Delayed

Significance of Land to Land Owners/Users

Residential area

Whether the project was stalled due to land conflict


Total investment involved (in Crores):

Type of investment:

Year of Estimation

Page Number In Investment Document:

Has the Conflict Ended?


When did it end?

Why did the conflict end?

Additional Information

Government Departments Involved in the Conflict:

State Government of Maharashtra

PSUs Involved in the Conflict:

Did LCW Approach Government Authorities for Comments?


Name, Designation and Comment of the Government Authorities Approached

Corporate Parties Involved in the Conflict:

Did LCW Approach Corporate Parties for Comments?

Communities/Local Organisations in the Conflict:

Information on the use of criminal law

What was the action taken by the police?

How many people did the police detain or arrest?

What is the current status of the detained/accused persons?

Did the person face any violence while in police custody?

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

If the accused was not produced before a magistrate within 24 hours, or not produced at all, what were the reasons?

Legislation under which the accused was charged

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Legal Supporting Documents

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Reported by
Shubham Kothari

Shubham is a housing rights activist based in Mumbai. He has a post graduate from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai in urban policy and governance.

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Fact sheet

Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Demand for rehabilitation

Demand for compensation

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Status of Project

Original Project Deadline

Whether the Project has been Delayed

Significance of Land to Land Owners/Users

Residential area

Whether the project was stalled due to land conflict


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