Published :
Feb 2018
Updated :
District Administration in Odisha Forcefully Digs Forestland To Construct Pipeline for Distillery
Reported by
Sandeep Pattnaik
Legal Review by
Anmol Gupta
Edited by
Anupa Kujur
Households affected
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Key Insights
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Reason/Cause of conflict
Conflict Status
Legal Status
Region Classification

The residents of Fakirpur, Titerikata, Bishnupur and Sanasubalia villages in Boudh district have been protesting since 2017 against a grainbased distillery, along with a cogeneration power plant (which recovers waste heat from power generation), proposed by Boudh Distillery Private Limited, a spirits company based in the district. The construction of the distillery in Titerikata requires 1,200 cubic metres of water to be taken from the Mahanadi river through a fourkilometrelong pipeline. The proposed pipeline will pass through the four villages, spread across 1.42 acres of revenue land, locally known as gramya jungle, including 2.39 acres of forestland in the above mentioned villages. The residents claim that it will affect their livelihood as they have been dependent on this land for collecting minor forest produce. On December 28, 2017, despite strong protests by the village residents, the district administration and Boudh Distillery, escorted by some 200 police personnel, forcefully dug out the forestland with the help of earth movers and started work on the pipeline. The villagers filed a petition in the National Green Tribunal (NGT) the same month, alleging that the forestland was being used for nonforestry purpose without the permission of the forest department, violating the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Moreover, the residents of Bishnupur had applied for individual forest rights that are yet to be recognised, thus violating the Forest Rights Act. While hearing the petition on December 1, 2018, the NGT issued notices to Boudh Distillery as well as to the divisional forest officer, superintendent of police, district collector of Boudh, chief secretary and forest secretary of the state government and the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change to inspect the unit in question and verify the allegations of the villagers and submit a report. The NGT also ordered immediate halt to the construction of the pipeline. On February 12, 2019, the NGT ordered Boudh Distillery to get the necessary permission from the forest department and said that the interim order of the tribunal cancelling the lease of the distillery would stay in place until permission was granted. LCW got in touch with Aswini Kumar Meher, subcollector, Boudh, in May 2021. He said: "People were agitating against the water pipeline that was placed below the ground. The Forest Protection Committee had been agitating against the construction. However, last month, the construction finished, and the issue has been resolved." LCW, however, could not verify if people have stopped protesting.

Fact Sheet

Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Complaint against procedural violations

Demand to retain/protect access to common land/resources

Demand for legal recognition of land rights

Other Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Region Classification


Type of Land


Forest and Non-Forest

What was the action taken by the police?

How many people did the police detain or arrest?

What is the current status of the detained/accused persons?

Did the person face any violence while in police custody?

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

If the accused was not produced before a magistrate within 24 hours, or not produced at all, what were the reasons?

Legislation under which the accused was charged

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Details of sources (names of accused, names and numbers of any lawyers, names of any police officers contacted)

Status of Project

Original Project Deadline

Whether the Project has been Delayed

Significance of Land to Land Owners/Users

Whether the project was stalled due to land conflict


Total investment involved (in Crores):


Type of investment:

Cost of Project

Year of Estimation

Page Number In Investment Document:

Has the Conflict Ended?

When did it end?

Why did the conflict end?

Additional Information

Government Departments Involved in the Conflict:

District Administration of Boudh

PSUs Involved in the Conflict:

Did LCW Approach Government Authorities for Comments?


Name, Designation and Comment of the Government Authorities Approached

Corporate Parties Involved in the Conflict:

M/s. Boudh Distillery Private Limited

Did LCW Approach Corporate Parties for Comments?

Communities/Local Organisations in the Conflict:

Information on the use of criminal law

What was the action taken by the police?

How many people did the police detain or arrest?

What is the current status of the detained/accused persons?

Did the person face any violence while in police custody?

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

If the accused was not produced before a magistrate within 24 hours, or not produced at all, what were the reasons?

Legislation under which the accused was charged

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Legal Supporting Documents

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Reported by
Sandeep Pattnaik

Sandeep is a researcher and journalist based in Bhubaneshwar. He was part of the Human Rights Advocacy Programme at the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, New York, in 2007. Currently, he is a member of the steering committee of the International Campaign for the Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).

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Fact sheet

Demand/Contention of the Affected Community

Complaint against procedural violations

Demand to retain/protect access to common land/resources

Demand for legal recognition of land rights

If any arrests took place, were the accused persons produced before a judge within 24 hours of the arrest?

Was the accused person informed of their right to legal representation? Did the accused person have access to legal aid?

In cases where the accused person approached the court for bail, was bail granted?

Why was bail granted or rejected? If granted, what were the bail conditions and quantum of bail?

Were there any other notable irregularities that took place, or other significant details?

Status of Project

Original Project Deadline

Whether the Project has been Delayed

Significance of Land to Land Owners/Users

Whether the project was stalled due to land conflict


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